BDDG London Secretary: Colin B.
Mob: 07765 041019

BDDG London Treasurer: Tom W.
Mob: 07803 005347

We are a mutual / self help group of doctors and dentists from all levels of our professions who are recovering from, or wish to recover from, addiction to alcohol, drugs or other behavioural addictions.


The BDDG – London Group meets on the last Saturday of each month except for December, when the Group meets earlier in the month, and January, when there is an extra meeting early in the month, in addition to the last Saturday meeting!

Please try to join meetings early for pre-meeting chit-chat and to allow meetings to commence on time.

Details of BDDG London meetings are held in the BDDG Members Only section!

The first meeting of BDDG was in London on Saturday, 28 September 1973!


BDDG meetings, physical and online video, are not abstract scientific discussions about alcoholism/drug addiction but focus on sharing our journeys, our difficulties, both personally and professionally, and what has helped us in our recovery.

Details of BDDG Physical and Online Meetings are in the ‘Members Only Section’


Information about BDDG London, and BDDG London Meetings, is available from the Colin B., Secretary, on 07765 041019 or 


Information about BDDG nationally, is available on the BDDG website ( or from Mark W., National Secretary at 07850 125119 /


Information about the BDDG Family Member Group is available on the BDDG Family Member Group section of this website.

For information about the BDDG Family Member Group nationally,  email

