For information about the BDDG Families Group nationally, email .
For information about the BDDG Families Group in London, email .
The next meeting of the BDDG Families Group-London will be on
Saturday, 15 March 2025 : 6.00 – 7.30pm : ZOOM
Saturday, 29 March 2025 : 6.00 – 7.30pm : ZOOM
Details of meetings by email from:
Please join ZOOM meetings before the starting time, so that meetings can have a punctual start. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
BDDG Families Group
In 1983, Rev. Leslie Virgo was asked to run a series of Workshops at the Selsdon Park Convention for the family members of alcoholic and drug addicted doctors and dentists and also to provide counselling sessions: from this grew the Families Group of BDDG!
The Families Group of BDDG is an independent self-help group which offers help, support and recovery for all family members who are suffering, or have suffered, from the effects of a doctor’s or dentist’s alcohol or drug addiction.
The Families Groups meet monthly, usually in adjacent rooms and at the same time as BDDG meetings.
When attempts at helping the drinking/drug using doctor or dentist have apparently failed, if the spouse/partner attends Families Group meetings, very often the partner doctor or dentist eventually joins BDDG.
Like the Doctors and Dentists in BDDG who are also members of A.A. or N.A., many family members become involved in AI-Anon (a fellowship for relatives and friends of alcoholics) or Families Anon (a fellowship for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs) and this also gives additional helpful support.
Unfortunately, a high percentage of doctors’ and dentists’ marriages have encountered difficulties before the doctor or dentist comes into recovery, but, in recovery, reconciliation is frequently possible.
Podcasts about Al-Anon are available from the Al-Anon website.
‘Putting it into Words!’ – Sheffield Drugs & Alcohol Co-Ordination Team